
Showing posts from March, 2019

6th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, March 19, 2019

2019 mileage: 1216.1 Wanting to wait a bit today until it warmed up and made an outdoor ride more feasible, I rode at noon (considerably later than is my preference). The waiting paid off in splendid riding conditions—partly sunny and 44°, with a steady but gentle 9 mph breeze from the SW. Despite these inviting conditions, however, I found myself highly lorn between riding consecutive round trips to Marsh Park for the first time this year (I strongly wanted to do this), and settling for a shorter ride so that I could devote more time to composition. In the end, music won out, and I rode a single round trip to the park, covering the 10.2 miles in just under 1:10. Link to (Relive) video of today's ride

5th ride of 2019 - Thursday, 3/14/2019

2019 mileage: 1132.2 The AQ (Adventure Quotient) of today's ride was higher than I would have liked -- but it all came out OK in the end. Today is a day besieged by rain, and I was afraid I was going to have to return to LA Fitness and ride the stationary bike. But I was able to catch a window this morning when I could work in a ride, even though the temperature was still well short of today's projected unseasonable high in the mid-sixties. Accordingly I set off at 10 a.m., hoping to do 2 round trips to Marsh Park for the first time since early October. However, not quite a half mile into the ride, going down a hill, the chain picked up too much slack and tied itself into the unworkable knot pictured below. I spent about 10 minutes trying to get it worked out. It was not immediately clear to me what needed to be done, but I figured I could get it, and gamely dug in and got my hands dirty on the chain. But after it looked as though my unsuccessful efforts would continu

4th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 3/12/2019

2019 mileage: 1121.9 In some ways, today's ride was almost a duplicate of yesterday's—a single round trip to Marsh Park, 10.2 miles in 1:10. It was, however, more brightly sunny today, and marginally warmer—40° when I began, and up to 41° when I finished. However, I had foolishly left my gloves on my trike in the garage after yesterday's ride instead of bringing them into our home, so when I began I had to put on wet and partially frozen gloves. But that did not take too long for the sun to take care of. However, I am clearly still in the process of rebuilding my strength and stamina after the winter. I had strongly considered doing two round trips today, but in the end I felt that one would suffice. I celebrated today a birthday, of sorts. 47 years ago today, on March 12, 1972, I knelt by my bed and asked Jesus Christ to be Lord of my life -- and that has made all the difference in the way my life has unfolded. When I told Michelle this morning on the way to her schoo

3rd ride of 2019 - Monday, 3/11/2019

2019 mileage: 1111.7 Today's ride was only my third outdoor ride of the year, on a brisk (40° and partly sunny) day. (Spring is sight, but winter has not relinquished its hold on us entirely quite yet.) And the effect of the temperature was augmented by a gentle, cooling 19 mph breeze that kept me from overheating. Even with gloves, my fingers were tingling. I had hoped to ride consecutive round trips to Marsh Park (for the first time since early October), but instead had to settle for a single one because of an unexpected delay that constrained my schedule. As I hadn't ridden outside in nearly two months, when I went to turn on the MapMyRIde app on my phone, it had to be reloaded into my phone, so I had to cool my heels (quite literally) in the driveway for over 10 minutes while this took place. And then, the app didn't even work properly, cutting out for the last couple of miles of the ride, so that I have no Relive video of the ride to include today. At any rate, I