4th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 3/12/2019

2019 mileage: 1121.9

In some ways, today's ride was almost a duplicate of yesterday's—a single round trip to Marsh Park, 10.2 miles in 1:10. It was, however, more brightly sunny today, and marginally warmer—40° when I began, and up to 41° when I finished. However, I had foolishly left my gloves on my trike in the garage after yesterday's ride instead of bringing them into our home, so when I began I had to put on wet and partially frozen gloves. But that did not take too long for the sun to take care of.

However, I am clearly still in the process of rebuilding my strength and stamina after the winter. I had strongly considered doing two round trips today, but in the end I felt that one would suffice.

I celebrated today a birthday, of sorts. 47 years ago today, on March 12, 1972, I knelt by my bed and asked Jesus Christ to be Lord of my life -- and that has made all the difference in the way my life has unfolded. When I told Michelle this morning on the way to her school, she smiled and told me, "Happy Christian birthday!"

As I neared home (s little over half a mile away), riding the stretch parallel to Lohr Rd., north of Ellsworth and approaching Oak Valley, I got this picture to display the beauty of the day.


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