3rd ride of 2019 - Monday, 3/11/2019

2019 mileage: 1111.7

Today's ride was only my third outdoor ride of the year, on a brisk (40° and partly sunny) day. (Spring is sight, but winter has not relinquished its hold on us entirely quite yet.) And the effect of the temperature was augmented by a gentle, cooling 19 mph breeze that kept me from overheating. Even with gloves, my fingers were tingling.

I had hoped to ride consecutive round trips to Marsh Park (for the first time since early October), but instead had to settle for a single one because of an unexpected delay that constrained my schedule. As I hadn't ridden outside in nearly two months, when I went to turn on the MapMyRIde app on my phone, it had to be reloaded into my phone, so I had to cool my heels (quite literally) in the driveway for over 10 minutes while this took place. And then, the app didn't even work properly, cutting out for the last couple of miles of the ride, so that I have no Relive video of the ride to include today.

At any rate, I rode 10.2 miles in 1:10, and was just glad to be able to be outside again. Additionally, I'm very glad to have been able to do near daily rides of 20 miles on the stationary bike at LA Fitness this winter, thus enabling me to build up a mileage basis sufficient to make my goal of 4000 miles for the year look feasible.


  1. It's like the meme I saw online. Winter is having an argument with us. It storms out of the room, slams the door, then re-enters, saying, "And another thing ..."


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