108th ride of 2019 - - Monday, 12/23/2019

2019 mileage: 4072.3

Since winter hit us early this year—temperatures just fell off a cliff in early November, and that coupled with the 10-inch dump of snow we got on Veterans Dayother than one brief ride in late November, I've not been able to ride outside since November 1. So when an unseasonably warm stretch it us just now, I was determined not to waste it.

Leaving at 1 p.m., under sunny skies, I did something the hope for which I had abandoned before the new year comes, and rode a round trip to Baker Rd. I was slow, doing the 20.2 miles in 2:36, but it sure felt great to be out there again!

Also, by diligent, disciplined riding on the stationary bike at LA Fitness, I was recently able to achieve my mileage goal of 4000 for the year (my first time ever). For a while this summer I allowed myself to dream about the possibility of shooting for 5000, bur that was before my September cancer surgery totally rewrote the picture.


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