Wednesday, 11/6/2019

2019 mileage: 3438.2

Each of the last two days I was driven inside to work out at LA Fitness because of significant wind combined with low temperatures. So I was eager to ride outside today, particularly in light of the fact that temperatures are supposed to plunge over the nest 24 hours, with tomorrow's high reaching (perhaps) 35°.

Today when I set off at 12:30 in 39° gray gloom, everything looked fine on the trike, and I headed down the hill from our complex. But it seemed to be riding slowly and with difficulty, and when I reached the intersection, waiting to cross Oak Valley Dr., I understood why, as a man pointed to my left front tire and said, "Hey, you've got a flat!" I could see it then, even though I hadn't been able to a few minutes earlier.

So I walked it up the hill back to our garage, pumped it up, and it stayed firm, leading me to believe that it had gone flat due to the cold rather than a damaged tube. But anyway, my drive and gumption was gone by that point, so I made up my mind to head over to LA Fitness this evening.


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