107th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 11/26/2019

2019 mileage: 3727.3

With the early onset of winter—unseasonal cold, and the 10-inch snowfall we had dumped upon us on Veterans Day—I've not been able to ride outside since the first day of this month! However, today it eased up enough that I was able to be outside. By diligently riding the stationary bike at LA Fitness, though, I've been able already to best my previous annual high in mileage (3572.4 in 2016).

Today it was 38° when I began just past 10:00, and, riding under partly sunny skies, I saw that temperature climb to 47° by the time I finished. Nevertheless, the fleece I wore over my hoodie felt good ... but the gloves I had brought "just in case" were able to stay tucked away in my pocket.

On a busy day, however, although I wanted to do a more substantial ride than this, I was forced to limit it to a modest single round trip to Marsh Park (10.2 miles in 1:18). That was all I could squeeze in on a busy day: piano practice first thing this morning after dropping Michelle off, and then early this afternoon, "Grandfriends Day" at Izzy and Danny's school. (This is for grandparents, and others who may fill that role in the child's life.)

Then this evening we have a service at church (Thanksgiving Eve Eve) in which our handbell choir is playing. I have to be there at 5:45 to warm up for the 7:00 service.

I have no video today as my phone's battery drained less than a mile from the end of the ride.


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