99th ride of 2019 - Friday, 10/18/2019

2019 mileage: 3273.4

This has been an awfully lightweight week for riding. After taking a rest day last Sunday, I was really exhausted on Monday and so gave myself that day off, too. Then, after doing a good ride on Tuesday, weather forced me in to LA Fitness on Wednesday, and then yesterday I allowed the cold, wind, and gloom to give me still another day off. Today  I made the wise choice to wait and do a later ride instead of the early morning one I had planned. When I was waiting for the bus at 7:30, in the still dark, it was a chilly 35°.

So, I waited until 12:15 to start, by which point it was sunny and 49° (up to 54° when I finished),  I rode the Platt-Packard square, doing 13.9 miles in 1:45.


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