97th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 10/12/2019

2019 mileage: 3219.3

Funky weather yesterday (lots of rain) sent me to LA Fitness, so I was glad to be able to ride outside again today. Leaving at 7:45, I rode a loop around St. Joe Hospital for the first time since September 6 (a few days before my surgery).

However, on the way home I cut myself a little slack, trimming about 5 miles off the total ride. As I was headed west along Packard, instead of turning south along Platt and going down to Textile to come in past Marsh Park (the way I went out earlier in the morning), instead I kept going on Packard and then Eisenhower all the way to Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. and then home. This gave me a ride of 22.3 miles, which I did in a slow time of 3:02.

I experienced a BIG weather change from earlier in the week, when I was able to ride in shorts as recently as a couple of days ago. However, the 37° reading when I began this morning made both my gloves and my long pants feel most welcome.

However, those pants suffered damage. The plastic cap in the end of the left handlebar worked its way out, and my leg rubbing by the exposed steel tube (shown below)

really did a number on the left leg of my pants.

I've already emailed the manufacture to see if they can send me a couple of replacement caps.

I'm also happy to have crossed another mileage milestone today (3200 for the year).


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