96th ride of 2019 - Thursday, 10/10/2019

2019 mileage: 382.05

Our weather is about to change in a big way, with rain moving in tomorrow afternoon, and then a forecast high of only 51° on Saturday and 59° on Sunday. So I felt it was imperative that I take advantage of today's spectacular weather—when I began riding, just past 12:30, it was 67° and brilliantly sunny, climbing to 70° by the time I finished.

My need for and desire for variety in my rides is exceptionally low. However, today I was feeling that desire to an atypical degree, so I did a ride I've only done very few times -- south into the northern fringe of Saline (all on paths and walks, of course) along Woodland Drive, and then turning on Industrial, following it till it meets with Campus Drive to loop around Saline High School before returning home. This gave me a modest ride of only 10.5 miles in 1:19, but a lovelier day for it could not be imagined.

This picture shows the mildly daunting hill I have to climb shortly before returning home, alongside Lohr Rd. between Oak Valley Dr. and Ellsworth Rd.


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