95th ride of 2019 - Wednesday, 10/9/2019

2019 mileage: 3171.5

Today brought with it a change of plans. I had hoped to do a fairly long ride this morning in order to take advantage of our brilliant sunshine and warm weather, and was considering doing a loop around St. Joseph Hospital (25+ miles). But then, after practicing piano to begin the day, I found myself really bogging down, having been up since shortly after 4 a.m. (I did, however, in those early hours, get some very good work done on a big choral piece I'm composing—Exsultate Justi (Rejoice in the Lord), with Latin text and brass octet accompaniment.)

At any rate, I ended up crawling in bed for a midday nap, and then doing a shorter ride following that. I rode the Platt-Packard square, a 13.9-mile route, relatively slowly (1:47) When I left, just before 1:00, it was 67°, and that climbed all the way to 68° by the time I was done.

As I rode on the Lohr-Testile Greenway (both the older portion of it, nearer our home, and the new part extending east to Platt Rd., just opened a few weeks ago, I was reminded of having recently met Pittsfield Township Supervisor Mandy Grewal, after having exchanged correspondence with her thanking the board for the creation of these bike paths. I only hope that I expressed sufficiently the tremendous gratitude I feel.


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