93rd ride of 2019 - Saturday, 10/5/2019

2019 mileage: 3137.4

Fall continues to come inexorably onward. I rode early today in order to get it done before the activity picked up too much in advance of today's noon Michigan football game against Iowa. When I rode by Pioneer High School on the way out, just before 8:00, fans were already beginning to congregate to tailgate, and on the way home, when I passed there at 10:00, there were a LOT more people -- in fact, on a couple of short stretches, I had to leave the path and ride in the bike lane of the road.

Today's sunrise was at 7:36, so I began my ride at 7:30, and it was 47° I chose to wear my gloves for the first time since last winter. Now, I could have gotten by without them, but they certainly made my hands more comfortable. And I figured my maize-and-blue gloves would help to identify me to fellow fans (more than once, I rode by someone and exchanged a fist pump and a hearty "GO BLUE!"). They also helped to offset the black and gold color of my St. Olaf hoodie—an unfortunate wardrobe choice, as these are colors which also happen to be those of the Iowa Hawkeyes.

I rode again a round trip to Baker Rd. (20.1 miles in 2:45). It was quite a slow ride, but on the way out, I felt some discomfort/mild pain in my abdominal wall. Fearing that I might rip something that was still healing from my September 11 surgery, I scaled it back and declined to push myself, figuring "better safe than sorry."


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