92nd ride of 2019 - Friday, 10/4/2019

2019 mileage: 3117.3

This morning, after dropping Michelle off at school, and then going to church to practice piano, I  came home and sat in my chair for a while, and the longer I sat, the more desperately I did NOT want to ride today. But eventually, somehow I managed to scrounge up the gumption for it, and in retrospect I'm over so glad I did.

It was a lovely fall day for a ride—partly sunny, and 55° (so that a hoodie felt just right), and I rode another round trip to Baker Rd., going 19.4 miles in 2:36. (I trimmed just a little bit off my full 20-mile route by a slight shortcut on the way home.) 

Also, I crossed over another mileage milestone today -- 3100 for the year -- the first one in what seems like FOREVER. I exceeded 3000 on my last ride before my September 11 surgery (on September 9)


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