91st ride of 2019 - Thursday, 10/3/2019

2019 mileage: 3097.9

Today I replicated yesterday's route, except that I went in the other direction—yesterday clockwise, today counterclockwise.

I actually started out intending to ride the big 28-mile loop around St. Joseph Hospital again today. But a combination of factors persuaded me to change plans a few miles out. (1) I was feeling well sub-optimal physically. (2) I wanted to use the big chunk of time for other, music-related, pursuits. (3) The conditions were quite unpleasant. Last night we got quite a bit of rain. Though very little new rain fell during my ride—just some light rain that turned my glasses into prisms—the ground remained soaked, with numerous puddles. And the humidity in the air was exceptionally high. Combined with the temperature in the mid- to upper-fifties, and the solid cloud cover, I was very happy to be wearing a hoodie (though my legs were quite comfortable in shorts).

Anyway, this gave me another ride of 13.8 miles, in a slightly quicker time today than yesterday. (1:40 today).


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