90th ride of 2019 - Wednesday, 10/2/2019

2019 mileage: 3084.1

Last night, the forecast on weather.com looked as I was going to have to go work out at LA Fitness today. But by this morning, it had changed sufficiently to look as if I could slip in a ride this morning before the showers began around noon.

Accordingly, I did quite a modest ride -- a 13.8-mile circuit that I call the Packard-Platt square (in 1:49). I go north along Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. to Eisenhower, then east beside Eisenhower and Packard over to Platt, south to Textile, and then in along the new extension of the trail past Marsh Park and back home.

At that, I experienced a few light, intermittent showers, but they were quite few and not at all forbidding. And my video is almost accurate, but slightly askew at the end, as the battery ran out a couple of miles from home, clipping off the last portion of the ride.


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