105th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 10/29/2019

2019 mileage: 3361.7

After taking Sunday as a rest day (a frequent occurrence), I then needed to take yesterday as a rest day, too, due to a perfect storm of reasons. To start with, it was a relatively busy day, with numerous errands to address. And then physically, my feet were hurting me considerably. Even worse, though, I was so sleepy that I was almost falling asleep on my feet.

At any rate, today I was glad to get back on it, and rode another round trip to Baker Rd. But I was plagued by an equipment malfunction. Just before I reached Baker Rd., to turn around and start back toward home, by phone went dead. This would be no surprise during a long ride such as this, were it not for the fact that I had it plugged into my auxiliary battery, and had checked it before starting to make sure it was working and charging. I could tell  it had gone dead, though, because the music I was hearing on Spotify abruptly stopped, and then when I stopped to check in out, the phone was completely black and unresponsive.

This concerned me, because with no phone I am able neither to text nor to contact Uber for a ride in case of problems. Nevertheless, grateful for God's merciful protection and the knowledge that I can always trust Him to hear my prayer, I pushed on.

He did protect and help me ... even to the extent that, a few miles later, when I stopped to check it again, I found that my attempts to reset it at the midpoint must have worked, as it had come back on. The interruption, though, meant that I had no accurate stats for today, nor a Relive video of the ride. But my best estimate is 20 miles in about 2:50 -- and I am quite certain of the distance, having done that ride so many times.

By the way, I am also closing in on my annual mileage record (3572.4 in 2016).


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