104th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 10/26/2019

2019 mileage: 3341.7

When I left for my ride just before 8:00 this morning, I intended to ride the big loop over to and around St. Joseph Mercy Hospital (roughly 28 miles). However, it didn't take long to determine that I'll either have to wait on that long a ride until next spring, or else dress more appropriately. It was 38° when I began (though up to a toasty 41° at ride's end), and although my torso was OK (clad in a fleece over a hoodie), my extremities were quite cold. I need to trade in my cotton socks for heavier wool ones, and break out my heavier, quilted winter gloves - which are warmer, but considerably less comfortable, than the cloth ones I wore today (pictured below).

So, instead of that longer loop, I rode the Platt-Packard Square (which I also rode yesterday), giving me 13.9 miles in 1:45.

As I was finishing up, I passed a sign that I hadn't noticed before, which reminded me of my wife and daughter, as Michelle and Christy both work at Emerson School. The Emerson Apartment Homes are located on Eisenhower, just west of Briarwood Mall a short way.


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