102nd ride of 2019 - Thursday, 10/24/2019

2019 mileage: 3314.0

Today I wanted to and fully intended to ride my 20-mile round trip to Baker Rd. But an unforeseen complication vexed me.

When I got ready to go, my phone was only at about 70% battery charge, which is considerably too low to make that ride unassisted. So then I plugged in my auxiliary battery for is, which I carry clipped to my belt loop during long rides. However, it did not charge.

I then realized the problem was either with the battery itself, or with the cable. So when I went out to the garage to get my trike, I stopped at the car and retrieved our other cable (which we usually leave plugged into the car.) This cable did not work either, though, so I figured I'd better limit myself to a more modes ride, and, accordingly, just did a round trip to Marsh Park (10.2 miles, in 1:12).

It's cooling right down, too. I rode in good fallish conditions - when I started, at 9:45, it was only 44° (up to a toasty 47°, however, by the time I finished) MUCH colder weather lies ahead, however -- perhaps not too far ahead, though that remains to be seen and I've heard nothing to indicate it yet.


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