100th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 10/19/2019

2019 mileage: 3284.8

Did a modest ride today on a glorious fall morning. I left at 8:15 and rode a round trip down to the northern fringe of Saline (Woodland Dr. and Ann Arbor-Saline Rd.), for 11.4 miles in 1:25. It was brilliantly sunny, though a bit cool (36° when I began, up to 42° when I finished), making me very glad for my gloves.

The changing colors are really spectacular right now, but I noticed them only minimally, as I tend to focus pretty intently on my ride and shut out most everything else.

It's disappointing to me that I have just done my 100th outdoor ride of the year on 2019's 292nd day -- I like to think of myself as riding about 6 days/week, but clearly THAT is not happening!😎


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