82nd ride of 2019 - Saturday, 9/7/2019

2019 mileage: 2991.2

This morning I left just before 7:00, under cool (61°), cloudy skies. I was contemplating replicating yesterday's big ride (30 miles, which took me just over 3:45). But as I rode out,  I became convinced that I ought to use that big chunk of time for other pursuits, so I turned at about the midpoint (Packard and Platt) and headed back home, completing this big square (14.0 miles) in 1:52.

One mild catastrophe today -- about a quarter mile before finishing, as I was rounding the corner in front of Kohl's, my flag  snagged on a tree, and the top section of pole was pulled out and away, snapping the thin cord that  joined the multiple sectins. When I went to order a new one, I found that my supplier has now gone ut business. However, with the aid of  Google, I was able to find a new one (The Recumbent Trike Store), so I should have a new flag within days.

Next I'm going for a good session of piano practice, and late morning (before Michigan's noon game against Army), II hope ro fit in a little composing, as well.


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