79th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 9/3/2019

2019 mileage: 2920.2

Well, it feels like New Year's Day to this old academic at heart, as Michelle has her first day of school for the academic year on this day after Labor Day. I had not ridden in what feels like forever, as on Saturday I took the day off to compose, Sunday we traveled to be with my family to celebrate my sister Marianne's birthday, and yesterday we had a pool party at the home of one of Michelle's teaching colleagues, to close out the summer.

Today I rolled out about 10:15 to ride the round trip to Baker Rd. I thought it would be relatively easy, after the several times in the last two weeks that I've ridden a loop around St. Joe Hospital (roughly 27 miles). But I had all I could handle "just" doing the ride to Baker Rd., and even at that I shortened it just slightly by coming south on Maple Rd. rather than riding around and past Michigan Stadium as I usually do. I needed to do this because I noticed on the way out that the path on the west side of Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. is still all torn up, as they've been resurfacing it for the last couple of weeks. But they were actually working on it today, so I have hopes that it may actually get finished in the foreseeable future.

At any rate, this slightly shortened ride gave me 19.1 miles, which I did in a glacial time of 2:49.


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