76th ride of 2019 - Wednesday, 8/28/2019

2019 mileage: 2857.7

I set off a bit past 9:00 a.m. today in absolutely glorious late summer weather (brilliant 67° sunshine), intending to ride a round trip to Baker Rd. However, something did not seem quite right from the outset. For one thing, a portion of trail that I ride early on (the west side of Ann Arbor-Saline Rd., from Eisenhower up to Stone School) was all torn up for rebuilding, so I had to backtrack, cross the road, and go up the sidewalk on the east side instead. Also, MapMyRide malfunctioned again, costing me close to a mile near the outset of the ride.

Then, too, I knew I'd be pressed to squeeze in the longer ride, as I need to eat an early lunch today. I'm having an MRI this evening to check out a cyst they found on my kidney, so I have to stop eating and drinking by 12:30. I'm not really worried about this, but the shadow of it is hanging over the day, too.

So, a little less than halfway out, I turned around and came back home, completing a brief ride of 8.8 miles in 1:06.


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