75th ride of 2019 - Monday, 8/26/2019

2019 mileage: 2828.9

The Weather Channel misled me today, calling for rain to begin around 4:00 p.m. So I went out confidently at 12:30, and then around 1:30, about halfway through the ride I had planned, a steady (though light) rain began pelting me. This left me riding in conditions far from ideal, but on the other hand also far from unbearable. I was quite soaked after a few minutes, but it stopped late in the ride.

I ended up riding north to Eisenhower Boulevard, then eastward on Eisenhower (and Packard when it joined in) to Platt, and from there south to Textile, and in through the new portion of the trail to Marsh Park and then home by the familiar way. MapMyRide chose today to misbehave again, though, shutting off for a stretch along Platt, and then shutting off altogether in the last couple of miles.

It measured my ride at 10.7 miles, but when I got home and got on my computer, the gmaps pedometer measured it at 13.7 miles, which I believe I did in roughly 1:45.


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