74th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 8.24.2019

2019 mileage: 2815.1

This morning I rode, again, a loop around St. Joseph Hospital, as I did on Tuesday, only today I looped around it counterclockwise rather than clockwise. I also got a couple of pictures—the first being of a portion of the newly opened trail extension between Marshview Meadows Park and Platt Rd.:

and the other a view of the north side of St. Joseph when I looped around it.

The weather was perfect—brilliant sunshine when I began at 9:00, with just a few clouds drifting in during the morning. And temperatures that were breathtakingly lovely for late August: 59° when I began, up to 70° at the end. The ride gave me 22.8 miles in 2:49.

This was a slightly shorter ride than I expected, because coming home I elected to cut it slightly shorter, by coming in along Ellsworth Rd. from Platt rather than continuing clear down to Textile and returning through Marsh Park. To do this, I had to ride a short way in the bike lane, and, notably, I had to navigate the roundabout at State and Ellsworth. But I prayed about it, and used extreme care -- and the good weather and visibility, and also light traffic, worked to my favor, and I had no problems whatsoever.

The reason for this alteration in my route was not because of flagging energy. I could easily have gutted out the extra 4 miles or so. But the plastic cap on the inside end of my left handlebar came out and was lost (as shown in the following picture, in contrast with the right one which remained in place), so that the exposed steel end scraping against my left thigh on the pedal upstroke opened a wound which became quite uncomfortable.


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