73rd ride of 2019 - Thursday, 8/22/2019

2019 mileage: 2792.3

This morning's ride featured unbelievably idyllic weather for August. When I began, at 8:30, though the skies were cloudy, this held the temperature down to a delightful 66° (which climbed all the way to 68° by the time I finished).

I rode a route which was a new one to me in total, but all of whose segments I had ridden before. I'm calling it the Lillie Park square, as it goes by Lillie Park (at the corner of Platt Rd. and Ellsworth Rd., several miles northeast of our home). Riding on the dedicated sidewalk alongside Ann Arbor-Saline Rd., north from Lohr, I went up to Eisenhower Blvd., and then east to Stone School Rd. (on which Michelle and I used to live two decades ago). From there I continued south beside Stone School to Ellsworth, and then east to Platt Rd. (where I encountered Lillie Park). From this point (roughly halfway through my total ride), I went south on the Platt Rd. Greenway until I reached Textile Rd., where the new extension of the Lohr-Textile Greenway comes out. Taking this west to Marsh Park, I was soon back on familiar grounds, and headed home, for a total ride of 13.8 miles in 1:37.


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