70th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 8/17/2019

2019 mileage: 2734.0

With a moderately busy lined up today (including a trip to Lansing to lunch with my son, John - here is a picture of us at a previous such meal together, in June 2017).

I decided to get started early, and so left home at 6:45 in order to go practice piano at church at 7:00. This allowed me to begin my ride about 8:00, and I rode yet another round trip to Baker Rd. (20.1 miles in 2:34).

Only trouble is, MapMyRide paused itself shortly after the halfway point, where I turned around at Dexter to begin making my way back home. Consequently, I got no video of today's ride.

The weather was interesting. The temperature was a comfortable 69° when I began, climbing to 74° by the end. However, while the skies were clear when I began, cloud cover consistently moved in during the first half of my ride, so that by the time I turned around I had a pretty solid layer of overcast.


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