69th ride of 2019 - Friday, 8/16/2019

2019 mileage: 2713.8

It was pleasantly cool today for a ride in mid-August. When I began at 10:00, it was 64°, and that climbed to 76 by the time I finished. I began under a solid layer of clouds, which gradually cleared to mostly sunny skies by the time I was done. I rode again a round trip to Baker Rd., completing the 20.1 miles in 2:35.

Yesterday I chose not to ride. A good chunk of our day was taken up by an appointment Michelle and I had in the morning—consulting with the surgeon who will be excising the cancerous tissue they found in me during a recent colonoscopy. Then I spent the remainder of the day composing, and contemplating my mortality. 😎 No—that sounds rather somber, but actually I am feeling quite positive and encouraged about things. They say that I am a very good candidate for the surgery, in part because they caught it good and early.

The surgery is scheduled for the morning of September 11. As we were leaving, I told Michelle, "How about that? I get my own personal 9/11!"


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