66th ride of 2019 - Thursday, 8/8/2019

2019 mileage: 2663.2

I couldn't ride either of the last two days, as Michelle and I made the hour trip to visit my Mom and help her with some issues. So it felt good to be able to get back to it today, and I rode the round trip to Baker Rd. again. The weather forecast said that it would not be unbearable today, so I decided to relax and "chill out" this morning, doing some composing, and wait and ride at midday. So when I left at 11:45 it was 77°, and up to 82° when I finished.

I could not tell my precise stats, though, because although MapMyRide was working fine today, my phone overheated and shut itself down about 15 miles into the ride. This means also, of course, that I got no video of today's ride. And as near as I can figure, I rode about 19.7 miles in 2:20.


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