65th ride of 2019 - Monday, 8/5/2019

2019 mileage: 2643.5

Today's ride was much warmer than I like. I was tempted to wait until the day had begun to cool off a bit, later on, but was afraid I'd wimp out and skip today's ride. So I made myself go anyway, leaving about 10:15, in 77° sunshine that climbed to 84° by the time i was finished, and rode another round trip to Baker Rd. (20.3 miles in 2:37).

One incident of note occurred. On the way back, as I was traveling southeast on Stadium Blvd. shortly after having turned off of Jackson Rd., I crossed the intersection of Maple Rd., making sure I checked as I always do to be sure I was clear and safe. But then a man in an old beater car, who clearly has anger management issues and is not overly fond of cyclists, came zooming around me and yelled (or snarled) out his windows, "Watch it, asshole!"

This was somewhat unsettling, but all the more so as I rode away reflecting on it. It occurred to me (not for the first time) that it doesn't matter how clear or "in the right" I was ... if some moron runs me over, I'll be just as dead. And this is while following Michelle's request that I avoid riding in the road!


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