63rd ride of 2019 - Friday, 8/2/2019

2019 mileage: 2603.2

Having gotten up at 4:00 this morning, and since it wasn't supposed to be unbearably hot, I decided to nap at midday and then wait until this afternoon to ride. This plan worked well ... I left a bit past 3:00, and rode another round trip to Baker Rd., in nice sunshine that was 82° when I began and 79° when I finished. However ...

MapMyRide is a splendid app when it works. However, all too often—roughly once a week or so, it seems—there is a problem with it. And, wouldn't you know, this happened today, during my first long ride since our recent vacation. I don't know why, but it cut out several times during the ride, measuring me at roughly 12 miles, when I know from extensive past experience that it is just past 20 miles. It also cut out about a half-hour. Because of this, I have, of course, no video from today's ride.

I'm counting it as 20.1 miles in 2:30.


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