62nd ride of 2019 - Thursday, 9/1/2019

2019 mileage: 2583.1

I continue to experience pain and discomfort in my back due to the violent fall I had on July 9, when it was slammed against the concrete curb. IN light of that, even though I had wanted to ride to Baker Rd. on this glorious summer day (moderate temperature—71 when I began, at about 10:30—and brilliant sunshine), I thought it would be prudent to keep the ride short. So I just rode to the library to pick up a book I had reserved (a new—to me, anyway—Jodi Picoult novel, "My Sister's Keeper") and then continued on from there along my former running route that I used to call the Church 10K (because it goes past our former church, Westminster Presbyterian), and in this way did 6.5 miles in 47 minutes.


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