59th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 7/16/2019

2019 mileage: 2521.9

After taking my rest day on Sunday (a frequent, though not inevitable, event), I then took yesterday off, too, as my back is still tender from my fall against the cement curb last Tuesday. I was glad therefiore, to get back to it today, and went out at 7:00 (71°, up ro 76° when I finished), to ride another round trip to Baker Rd. (20.1 miles in 2:25).

Last night the weather forecast was calling for showers during the morning today, so I thought I might have to go to LA Fitness. But when I got up about 4:30, the forecast had changed, with the rain supposed to begin around noon, so I figured I'd chance the ride. As it turned out, though I stayed dry for the majority of the ride, an intermittent light  rain began during the final half hour, but posed no problem at all.

Since we are leaving Friday evening on a 10-day vacation trip (in which I won't be able to ride), I was particularly eager to go today.


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