58th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 7/13/2019

2019 mileage: 2501.8

This morning I chose to stay closer to home, and rode a round trip to Marsh Park (10.1 miles in 1:06). That has been a very infrequent destination for me since resuming trips to Baker Rd. on April 6. Since that time, I've only ridden to Marsh Park 10 times (including today).

Today did put me over another mileage milestone, too—2500 miles for the year. It is looking as though I should easily be able to surpass my annual mileage record of 3572.4 (2016), as well as my goal for this year of 4000 miles, although I'm certainly not counting either one as a done deal yet. As well,, I haven't completely given up yet on the possibility of 5000 miles for this year, although I'd have to average 14.61 miles/day for the rest of the year to do it.

At least the intense heat has broken! Sunrise today was at 6:10, and I began my ride at 6:15, in extremely comfortable 61° conditions (which climbed to 63° by the time I finished).


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