54th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 7/6/2019

2019 mileage: 2411.7

Yesterday I took my trike to the dealer, Jack's Bicycle in Dearborn, to have them replace the handlebar that was broken during Thursday's ride.

The repair worked well for me this morning. The only unfortunate thing is, that they forgot to switch my mirror from the old bar to the new one, and I didn't notice it until this morning. I was able to ride safely without it, but felt almost naked with no mirror!

In light of this, I considered loading up the trike and going back for it. But, in the end, rather than hassle with putting the rack on the car, loading up the trike, and driving to Dearborn on consecutive days, I decided to wait until Monday.

At any rate, despite the hot, humid conditions even at an early hour (72° when I began at 6:15, and up to 76° when I finished), I rode another round trip to Baker Rd., 20.1 miles in 2:08.


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