52nd ride of 2019 - Saturday, 6/29/2019

2019 mileage: 2367.0

On another hot day today, I set off on my ride at 6:00 a.m., intenditng to do another round trip to Baker Rd., but those plans changed. It was already 72° at that early hour, up to 78° when I finished.

On the way home, I took a modest shortcut, coming south down Maple Rd. to come in to our home "the back way" (via Oak Valley and Waters), but I got waylaid by a problem. Shortly after I passed the library, out in front of the relatively new senior apartments, I began to hear a WHUFF WHUFF in my front left tire. I was not aware of any calamitous episode that would have caused a flat, but sure enough, that's what it was. So I stopped, examined the tire, and plucked this screw out of it.

Upon chaining it up, I called Michelle for a ride, and since I was only about a mile and a half from finishing the ride anyway, I was soon home.

This is the week for flats, though! Michelle and I visited my Mom in the hospital in Jackson yesterday, and as we were pulling out of the parking lot, about 7:30 p.m., we noticed that we had a flat. She called AAA, and we were soon good to go -- but since we are driving to the Upper Peninsula tomorrow, we had to get it repaired, so that was another reason I was eager to complete my ride fairly early today.

On the way back from Baker Rd., an amusing incident occurred. Just a bit east of Zeeb Rd.. my daughter Christy pulled into a parking lot by which I was riding, and got out of her car to say hi. I'm sure I looked at her blankly, as I didn't at first recognize her car, and as she told me later, "I figured you were in the zone" -- so she waved and said, "Hi, Dad! It's me, Christy!" She was out doing errands to prepare for our trip north tomorrow, and saw me and just wanted to say hi.

Anyway, I believe I rode about 17.8 miles, in roughly 2:08.


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