51st ride of 2019 - Friday, 6/28/2019

2019 mileage: 2349.2

Today is supposed to get HOT and HUMID, so I rode early, leaving at 6:00 to ride another round trip to Baker Rd. When I began, it was already 67°, and up to 78° by the time I finished.

The ride went relatively well overall, but featured two anomalies worthy of comment. First, my MapMyRide app was petulant again. On the way home it slipped into Pause mode again in the vicinity of Zeeb Rd., and cost me about a mile in my stats. (It took me a while to detect it, because while approaching and crossing that busy intersection, all my focus is on the traffic, rather than listening for the app's vocal feedback). Still, though, despite this shortcoming I was able to get a reasonably accurate Relive video. (It seemed fitting, though, that for the creation of the video, I chose their music sample named Glitch. 😊)

Secondly, on the way home as I was passing in front of the post office on Stadium Blvd., about four and a half miles from home, my chain came off. This has happened to me numerous times before (maybe 10-15 total), but today's incident was of a far different order of magnitude than anything I had seen previously. The chain got tangled and twisted into a complex mess. I stopped, turned the trike over on its side, and was trying my best to sort it out. I was not succeeding, though, and was nearly ready to conclude that I should contact Uber, go home and get the car, put the rack on it, and come back and get the trike. But then, a kind and helpful runner stopped by, and made the cogent observation, "OH—your chain's off. Do you need help?" I shrugged and said, as best I could, "I dunno,." So she stopped her run and pitched right in, and after a few minutes of working together, diligently and patiently, we were able to get it sorted out so that I could ride once more.

I know from previous rides that my route was 20.3 miles, and I believe my time to have been roughly 2:25.


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