49th ride of 2019 - Wednesday, 6/26/2019

2019 mileage: 2316.0

This was the first outside ride I've done since the episode on Saturday when my seat bolt broke, throwing me off to incur a nice case of road rash. So, today was a little bit like climbing back onto a horse that had thrown me -- but I managed it successfully, leaving just a few minutes before 6:00 a.m. and riding once more a round trip to Baker Road. And summer weather (though still a bit cool) seems at last to have truly arrived—it was 66° when I began my ride today, and 71° when I finished, with lovely unbroken sunshine throughout.

Not quite sure why, but MapMyRide shows a route of only 19.5 miles (rather than my usual 20.3), accomplished in 2:23.


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