46th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 6/18/2019

2019 mileage: 2262.2

Since Michelle and I are leaving at midday today to go up north for a little mini-getaway, I needed to get my ride done early today. So, grateful for the early light in June, I began at 5:45, and rode another round trip to Baker Rd. - 20.2 miles in 2:25.

I love riding in the early morning hours, and witnessing the day waking up. It was, however, cool enough when I started (59°) so that a long-sleeve shirt felt just right. Up to 63° by the end of the ride, however. And it's supposed to near 80° this afternoon ... but by then we'll be long gone.

I have no video of today's ride, however, because MayMyRide malfunctioned once again. At least it gave me variety and presented me with something new this time. When I reached the midpoint of my ride, and turned around at Baker Rd. to come home, I paused the app to text loved ones, as I always do. However, instead of just pausing it, it shut off as though the ride were finished ... I noticed this only when I got ready to begin riding again, and went to turn the app back on, but couldn't.


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