42nd ride of 2019 - Wednesday, 6/12/2019

2019 mileage: 2161.9

Today was another lovely day for riding, although just a smidge less perfect than yesterday. The temperature range was identical (66° when I began about 9:30, and up to 75° when I finished just past noon), but there were a few high, wispy, thin clouds today as opposed to yesterday's brilliant unbroken blue sky.

However, today was also another day when MapMyRide malfunctioned. Somehow, it inexplicably slipped back into pause mode during the first few minutes of my ride, and I lost nearly 2 miles before discovering this and being able to get it restarted. So this affected not only my stats for the day, but also my Relive video, which is created from the MapMyRide data.

Nevertheless, I pushed on and rode another round trip to Baker Rd., doing 20.3 miles in 2:30.


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