39th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 6/4/2019

2019 mileage: 2080.4

After taking Sunday off as a rest day, I could not ride yesterday, as calamity befell me. During an early morning men's devotional group in which I participate at church, the display of my laptop was damaged. When I took it to the Apple Store later in the morning, expecting repair, I was told that parts were no longer available for the 2012 computer, so ever since I've been working on gaining confirmation that my insurance company will cover the acquisition of a new one before I go ahead with this pricey move.

This morning I rode again a round trip to Baker Rd. (Dexter), leaving at about 8:30 in mostly sunny 54° conditions that had climbed to 70° by the time I finished a bit past noon.

This gave me 19.9 miles in 2:29.


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