38th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 6/1/2019

2019 mileage: 2060.5

I am so happy to have had the opportunity to ride with my good friend Kristian Frikke-Schmidt today. Back in the spring of 2015 when I first got my trike, we rode together near daily for several months. But in recent years we have not been able to do that. This picture of him is from when he arrived at our home this morning, having ridden the 2 miles or so from where he lives.

We rode to Marsh Park, and then on the way back did also a loop in Stonebridge, where we used to do nearly all our riding back in 2015. I had hoped to go farther, but had to "wimp out" (as I put it to him), due to pain I was experiencing. When I rode to Wheels in Motion on Tuesday for repair of my brake, my left thigh brushing against the frayed cable opened up a wound. By today it had scabbed over, but brushing against the (now repaired) cable opened it up again, saddling me with quite intense stinging.

Anyway, this gave us a ride of 12.7 miles in 1:33.


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