37th ride of 2019 - Friday, 5/31/2019

2019 mileage: 2047.8

IWhat an absolutely LOVELY spring day for a ride! Skies were partly sunny throughout, and I was able to ride most comfortably in shorts and a t-shirt, as it was 62* when I began at 9:15, and up to 71° when I finished a few minutes before noon.

The only drawback was that the MapMyRide app on my phone malfunctioned again—doubly so, in fact. First, and just shy of 5 miles into the ride, it reset itself to zero, wiping out all the stats I had accumulated to that point. I made sure it was going again, and then, inexplicably, it slipped into Pause mode a few minutes later, so that when I got to the midpoint and turned around to come home, I checked my stats, as I always do, and found that, although I know from past history that I had ridden just over 10 miles at that point, it showed me with 1.8! Anyway, this was no crippling blow, but it did mean that I ended up with no Relive video of my ride today.

I am putting down that I rode 20.3 miles in 2:40/


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