36th ride of 2019 - Tuesday, 5/28/2019

2019 mileage: 2007.5

I haven't ridden since Saturday morning, having been gone over the weekend. I went to the Indianapolis 500 as a guest of my friend Dale Eckart, as Indianapolis is his boyhood hometown and tickets to the race have been in the family for 4 decades. We drove down Saturday afternoon, attended the race on Sunday, and returned to Michigan yesterday—a drive of between 4 and 5 hours.

Dale has been to probably about 20 of the races over the years, and he has a whole regimen of things he likes to do, including spending the morning at the speedway (gates open at 7 for the 12:45 race—we arrived just before 9) to watch the various festivities. (Dale is an alumnus of the Purdue Marching Band, so he naturally finds them of special interest.) The picture below shows us just after arriving at the track, after a walk of nearly 2 miles from the place where we parked.

Anyway, just before leaving, I noticed that my left brake wasn't working well, and was able to observe that its cable, where it entered the mechanism on the handlebar, was frayed nearly through. So I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, and ride to Wheels in Motion today to have it repaired. Happily, weather and all other circumstances permitted this, and they were able to do the repair (relatively inconsequential) fairly quickly. Riding there and back gave me a ride of 11.5 miles in 1:26. It also put me over a big mileage milestone for the year—2000 miles. This puts me in great position to make my goal of 4000 miles in 2019, with an outside shot at 5000, depending on how hard I want to push myself this summer.


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