35th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 5/25/2019

2019 mileage: 1996.0

IAs my friend Dale Eckart (pictured below) has invited me to attend tomorrow's Indianapolis 500 with him (he is an Indianapolis native, and has family has had tickets since about 1980), and we are leaving early this afternoon, I needed to ride early today.

So I left at 6:30 (in mostly sunny, calm, 58° conditions—it climbed to 73° by the time I was done, around 9:15) and rode again the round trip to Baker Rd. (Dexter). MapMyRide malfunctioned, but only slightly ... whereas my outbound ride, to Baker Rd., is just over 10.1 miles, for some reason unknown to me, it measured it today in just over 9.5. But the return leg was OK, and I'm counting today's ride as 20.2 miles, in 2:30. As I write this, a couple of hours after finishing the ride, my Relive video has not yet come in (although it usually takes less than 15 minutes) ... perhaps I'll be able to add it later.

I did, indeed, get the link later -


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