34th ride of 2019 - Friday, 5/24/2019

2019 mileage: 1975.8

I rode once more today a round trip to Baker Rd. However, once again my battery pack was not working properly (or at least the cord connecting it to my phone, though I just bought the cord last week), and so in an attempt to make it home before the battery died, I took a very slight shortcut in the last few miles (like I did on Monday), coming south down Maple Rd. My efforts, however, were futile, and the phone died about 4 miles from home. Hence I have no Relive video to share today.

Based on my stats at the halfway point (of which I took note) and those from my identical route on Monday, I'm saying that I rode 19.6 miles today, in 2:25.

Tomorrow's weather looks somewhat problematic, but I sure hope I can ride in the morning. A good friend of mine is an Indianapolis native, and his family has long had tickets to the Indianapolis 500. We are driving down tomorrow afternoon, and returning Monday, so for sure I'll miss at least Sunday, and quite possibly Monday too.


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