31st ride of 2019 - Monday, 5/20/2019

2019 mileage: 1915.7

I really did not want to ride today. But, after having to go to LA Fitness for the last two days because of weather and schedule, I pushed myself out the door anyway, with dogged determination, and, leaving just minutes before noon in solidly gray 55° conditions, I rode another round trip to Baker Rd. (Dexter), heading out into the teeth of a healthy (15 mph and up) wind coming from the WNW.  Every flag I passed (both the numerous smaller ones, and the couple of gigantic ones) were stiffly extended, giving me a reminder of what I was in for. I just kept pushing, though, and by the time I returned home, I was (of course) glad that I did it. And it pushed me over another mileage milestone for the year - 1900.

The one concession I did make to the day, though, was that in the last 3-4 miles, I took a slightly shorter route, cutting almost a mile off my total ride. (Came south on Maple Rd., rather than following Stadium around to the Big House as I do most days.)


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