30th ride of 2019 - Friday, 5/17/2019

2019 mileage: 1863.7

Today I set off about 10:45 and rode another round trip to Baker Rd. During the ride, it was 66° and cloudy. But I was glad to be able to push ahead with it, and as I ride these days, listening to my "Mary Poppins" playlist (containing the soundtracks from both Mary Poppins and Mary Poppins Returns) on Spotify has become my most frequent aural accompaniment. It was today, too.

I generally do my blog immediately following the conclusion of my ride, but today that was not possible, as I went to see a showing of the current movie Tolkien, which depicts the famous author's youth, the beginning of his academic career, and his courtship of Edith Bratt, who was his wife for the rest of their lives (over fifty years, from their marriage in 1916 to their deaths in the early seventies).


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