29th ride of 2019 - Thursday, 5/16/2019

2019 mileage: 1843.9

Having taken yesterday off, in order to focus my energy and concentration on my first rehearsal conducting the players at Emerson on my composition that's on their concert program next Thursday night, I was happy to be able to get back to riding today on another SUPERB day ... when I left just before 11:00, it was already 63°, and when I finished a little after 1:15, it was up to 74°. Skies were partly cloudy throughout, but the warmth made it seem sunnier then that.

Atypically for me, I desired some variety today, but I also wanted the 20 miles of my usual ride to Baker Rd. So I repeated a ride I did last September -- to Marsh Park, and then down to Saline, and out west (towards Clinton) as far as I could before the sidewalk ends and I have to wheel about and come back home. This gave me 20.4 miles in 2:22. And this picture comes from the west end of Saline, just before I turned around to come back.

Today's ride also contained one notable occurrence. I used to have an AirZound which touts itself as the world's loudest air horn. This is especially important for me, since I cannot call out to pedestrians I am overtaking. It worked well for me when I needed it, until it died in the fall of 2017. I procured a replacement, but I have not yet been able to get Michelle to assist me in installing it; I've considered trying to do it myself, although the thought of that is laughable.

On the way home today, when I had about three miles to go, just outside of Saline's Tefft Park, I came up behind an older man (seventyish) walking his dog. I slowed and went to the grass to pass him on the right. But evidently my proximity unnerved him, and as I pedaled on, he yelled out, "Hey -- you need a horn or a bell!" Continuing to ride, I gave him a thumbs-up. Then a few seconds later, he added, "I MEAN it!"


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