27th ride of 2019 - Monday, 5/13/2019

2019 mileage: 1803.3

Conditions today were tolerable, though they were enough to make me wonder when, if ever, nice spring weather is really going to arrive. It was another cool day (49° during my ride, which began at 11:15), though at least the early morning rain had cleared out. And a bit of breeze to manage, but nothing too ferocious (NNW at 11 mph).

As I rode, I wrestled over whether to do two round trips to Marsh Park, or merely one. But what finally settled it for me was remembering advice given to me by my friend and former Addison High School teacher, J. Larry Roberts (shown below -- Larry died in July 2016). In an email exchange we had a few years ago after I was wrestling similarly during a ride, he told me, "You need to build on your strengths. You're not likely to make your mark in the world as a cyclist." So, remembering this, I allowed myself to be content with a single round trip, giving me 10.2 miles in a relatively good time of 1:04.


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