26th ride of 2019 - Saturday, 5/11/2019

2019 mileage: 1780.5

Yesterday I took the day off from riding, composing during the morning and then making the drive of a little over an hour midday to have a nice visit with my 95-year-old mother and take her the gift and card we had gotten her for Mother's Day. In light of this day off, I was particularly eager to get back to it today.

I set off at 6:30 a.m. for what proved to be a fairly brisk ride—39° when I left (it climbed to 49° by the time I finished), with a bit of a wind (11 mph from the ENE), but brilliant sunshine to buoy my spirits. Clouds increasingly moved in during the ride, so that by the end it was mostly cloudy, though there was still a bit of sun left, here and there. And riding in a fleece over a hoodie ... and, thankfully, I remembered my gloves! ... I was perfectly comfortable.

I rode another round trip to Baker Rd. (Dexter), for 20.4 miles in just a few seconds under an even 2:30.


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