23rd ride of 2019 - Saturday, 5/4/2019

2019 mileage: 1729.6

Since I worked out indoors on the stationary bike at LA Fitness yesterday due to the weather, I was eager to get outside today if possible. But this meant an early ride, as we have a busy day. Our niece, Lauren, turned 16 on Thursday, and we are going up to Mason today to celebrate with her and the family. In this picture from the spring of 2014, Michelle and I are with Lauren and her younger brother, Grant.

Needing to ride early was no problem for me, with my extreme morning hours. I rose at 4:30 and spent some nice time composing, and then as sunrise was at 6:27, I left on my ride at 6:30 in pale early morning light, and 46° conditions. I was glad to have a fleece on over a hoodie, and gloves—with this apparel I was perfectly comfortable. And today is Commencement for the University of Michigan at Michigan Stadium, so, as I had to do on the first Saturday in May back in 2013 (precisely 6 years ago today, on May 4, 2013), when I was riding a regular bike and rode to Dexter, on the way home when I rode past the Big House, I had to weave carefully through the milling crowds.

Once more I rode the round trip to Baker Rd., and the miles are now beginning to add up nicely, as yesterday put me over 1700 miles for the year. In fact, since it's looking increasingly likely that I will make my goal of 4000 miles for the year comfortably, I'm beginning to consider the possibility of shooting for 5000. Each day after I finish my ride, I use the calculator to figure how many miles a day I need to average to make 4000 for the year (9.42 after today's ride), and I've just begun to figure it for 5000 also (13.57 after today's ride). Today clocked in at 20.4 miles (in 2:33), so if I can keep riding to Baker Rd., I'll keep lowering that figure.


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